Frequently Asked QuestionsThis page includes some of the most common questions we receive about our organization and the services we provide. Feel free to contact us if your question is not listed below.
SMFR operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
I WANT TO JOIN SMFR. HOW DO I GET STARTED?Each semester, SMFR holds an information session to give prospective members a better idea of what we do and what the process of joining is like. Flyers will be posted around campus in the weeks leading up to the information session, but you can also check back on the website at the beginning of the next semester or fill out a contact form to be notified by email about the next session. At the session, you can sign up for either the Fire or Rescue Unit (if you're interested in joining both, see below for more info). You will then begin a rookie period where you'll learn the basics of being a part of SMFR.
SMFR operates as a student-run organization, but is held to the same professional standards of care and training that any other EMS and fire service is held to. Our membership continually completes training on the state, federal, and in-house level to ensure that we are in compliance with service provider laws and regualtions. A lot of training goes into becoming a member of SMFR, but the active Rescue members that respond to calls every day are all Vermont State Emergency Medical Technicians and those who are part of the Fire Unit are also certified to carry out the emergency fire services they are called to perform.
BESIDES EMERGENCY CARE, WHAT OTHER SERVICES DOES SMFR PROVIDE?In addition to providing professional medical care and fire protection, SMFR also offers standby services for events. If you'd like to schedule the SMFR for standby fire protection or EMS, please fill out the request form.
Both units are also available for public education events. Fill out the above form if you'd like to schedule us for a demonstration or hands-on education event. CAN I JOIN BOTH UNITS?Yes, members can run active duty for both Fire and Rescue, but you must start out as a rookie for only one unit. After becoming a senior member in that unit, you must serve a probationary period of two months before being eligible for senior membership on the second unit.